If you don't ready anything else, I hope you take the time to read this. This is one of the most heartfelt posts I ca share about the importance of purchasing prints from your session.
Photo sessions are called an investment because they are! Their return is far better than any financial return will ever give you. Case in point: this past week I was house bound from surgery and a stomach virus. Going stir crazy, I decided to look at old photos...the printed kind. I was taken back with the images I found, many I had no clue about and others that immediate invoked a memory and took me back to that moment. There was something about holding each image in my hand and studying it for a moment. I discovered photos from my parent's childhood to my childhood. There were embarrassing ones, humerus ones and sad ones. Some left me wondering "
what were we thinking?!" others had me chuckling to myself and some left me missing the people in the picture.
Once a moment happens it becomes a memory. It is in our minds and part of our past. We cannot go back and redo it, because it will never be the same. BUT we can be reminded of it. From a smell of a certain scent, to a song, to a photograph. They are reminders that we lived and that others lived life with us.
So many times when we are planning our photo sessions our first thought is always: Do I get the digital images? I always assure them they have the opportunity to purchase their images as digital images, but there's more to a photo session than getting a digital copy of the images. In our society today we have everything digital- our bills, our bank accounts and much more. I challenge you to make your photos real. To remove them from the digital world we live in and give yourself hard copies.
What if the internet crashed? Are all your photos on FaceBook? What if CD drives became extinct like the floppy disk? I agree having a digital back up is great and gives you a sense of security, but if you are going to take the time to invest in a photo session- invest in actual images from your session. Hang them on your walls and decorate your home with those you love. You can never replace your loved ones, and once they are no longer with us- whether they have left the earth or they no longer live with you- a printed image is something you can hold and remember them.
As I looked through those old images, I wanted more. I wished I had more images of my grandmother who is no longer with us. I wish some of them were better quality. I longed to look at more of the past and the moments spent with family and friends.
So when you book your session, think about printing an image, even if it is just one.The images we provide are of the highest quality with a protective coating to ensure they will last. They will be the images you pass down to your loved ones for them to remember you.